Rosalie’s Not Dead?

It’s a Christmas miracle! And speaking of Christmas, I’ve been really feeling the season lately. I blame all the Christmas music they’re blaring at work, but you can blame the fact that December 1st is less than 12 hours away. Or all the pecan pie I’ve been eating. Seriously, I lost 3 pounds this weekend. 3 POUNDS AFTER THANKSGIVING? My system is strange.

As part of the season-glee I have, my recent SecondLife ventures (I work 3 jobs…I’m seriously never on) have included me piling as many layers on as possible to give myself that wintery look. I really want to look the part of ‘freezing little snow bunny’. But for this blog? I’ve decided to go with a much more festive look – Christmas colors and all. Maybe, if I can, I’ll try to be on once a week to keep the festiveness of Rosalie going, but until then – here’s my first look :3

As you know – or may know, I haven’t been around lately. It’s sad, but true. So putting together an outfit for a blogpost isn’t exactly easy for me right now. I don’t know what’s new and what’s not. This resulted in me just going around to my favorite stores and finding things that are new to me while keeping the thought of Christmas festivity in my head. loveme seemed to have read my mind on that front. Seriously, what’s more festive for Christmas than a giant red bow? Every slut puts a red bow on them, hoping some overly fake-tanned guido will ‘open them’ for the holidays. And by open them, I mean have sex with them. I’m no slut though and thankfully, neither is Callia Pearl of loveme. She managed to make cute little pair of red flats, not to mention the headband on my head, with a cute little bow that turns bows from a device used for getting sex into a device that makes you automatically resemble a playful Persian kitten. Seriously, look at a Persian kitten. SOFA-KING ADORABLE.

Now, those bows added with anything Christmas is like putting vanilla ice cream on a deliciously warm pecan pie (effffff, I’m hungry now). I matched them with Beetlebones’ slouchy tunic dress in forest. Red and green – yay for Christmas! This color of tunic dress is new to me as well, so it kept with my buying *new  things and displaying *new items in this blog. Not to mention it looks cute, and sweet. Adding to the Persian kitty image. Meow, simple and cute Christmas spirit.

*not really new, just new to me

Christmas Spirit Outfit #1:


Skin: JM:Mai (Joman Mai) – skin_vivian[n] acho

Hair: [ 69 ] (Kumii Yoshikawa) – SMINC (Dark Mocha)

Tunic: BB* (suetabulous Yootz) – slouchy tunic dress in forest

Jeans: (Parvarti Monday) – Iunno Jeans (Dark Wash – Cuffed)

Shoes: loveme. (Callia Pearl) – Pookie Flea Market  strawberry ribbon

Headband: loveme. (Callie Pearl) – red twin ribbon

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